
Posts by Jereme Sanborn

Joined 5 years ago

Benefits of subscription payments for online gaming merchants

The recurring billing model and its associated subscription payments have gained massive popularity with many business types, including online gaming. As you chart the forward course of your e-gaming business, you may be wondering if setting up this arrangement for your customers makes sense for your company.

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U.S. Regulatory Trends In CBD And How To Ship Nationally

The cannabidiol (CBD) market continues to grow and is expected to reach $61.2 billion by 2027. The Food and Drugs Administration has stayed clear of introducing CBD regulations for now, meaning many individual U.S. states have introduced their own. For businesses that sell cannabidiol products like CBD products, this presents many challenges, including how to ship products on a national level.

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How to maintain data security during increased international holiday sales

Hackers are constantly prowling the security perimeters of businesses of all sizes, often choosing the lowest-hanging fruit to be their next marks. If you sell products and services to customers in international markets, you are especially vulnerable, particularly during high-traffic times of the year when your safeguards might be more relaxed. The good news is that there are concrete steps you can take to enhance data protection at this time, and throughout the year.

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5 payment processing tools essential for modern businesses

Technology has transformed the way invoices are created and processed. No longer do you need to pore over endless spreadsheets and receipts in order to generate the bills that are so vital to your company’s survival.

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3 benefits of subscription billing for your wine club

In an era when personalized, curated services are in high demand, wine clubs have become extremely popular. If your mission is to provide a diverse, high-quality selection of wines to your patrons, embracing the club-based model can be a game-changer that may elevate brand recognition while also furnishing buyers with the customized experience they are demanding.

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How to tell if your business is outgrowing Stripe (and what to do)

Remember those heady days when you were planning and launching your business? Back when everything was new and shiny, you were thrilled to find a payment processor with tools that could be set up in a matter of days and carried no upfront costs.

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What are omnichannel payments and why it’s important for your international business

For companies like yours that sell internationally, the need for flexible, secure and seamless payment options is of paramount importance to attract and retain clients who might otherwise buy domestically.

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How to pinpoint overseas customer's purchase pain points and how to alleviate them

Marketing your products internationally grants you the potential to gain exploding profits and a vastly expanded customer base. However, along with the difficulties you have already encountered when selling domestically, global ecommerce also brings additional challenges.

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The importance of interpreting analytics when it comes to shopping cart abandonment

Even if you have thoroughly searched for the best payment gateway and are happy with your hosted checkout page, your ecommerce company continues to suffer from high shopping cart abandonment rates.

It comes as little consolation to learn that this issue plagues retailers of all types and sizes and leads to billions of dollars of potential sales lost in the U.S. each year.

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How 3D Secure works and what it can do to minimize fraudulent transactions

Like it or not, fraud and online shopping go together like peanut butter and jelly. Consequently, any entrepreneur wishing to succeed in today’s hyper-vigilant data safety culture needs to embrace the latest security measures.

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